MISS DIG 811 utilizes the OneCallAccess ticket entry platform for placing dig and design notices. The platform provides users access to ticket entry, ticket history and positive response from the user dashboard.
New OneCallAccess users have basic access to the ticket entry platform and can place normal 21-day tickets and design tickets. To place a dig or design request, click Submit Locate Request on the home page of the MISS DIG 811 website. If you haven't created a OneCallAccess account, click Sign Up Here on the log in page.
Normal 21-day tickets are for jobs that 20,000 sq ft or less in urban areas. That is equivalent to a 200ft X 100ft lot. The limit in rural areas is 50,000 sq ft or less.
Design tickets are for the planning phase of a project. These jobs are not marked by locators. Instead, records or drawings of facilities are emailed to you. You cannot dig on a design ticket.
It is recommended that all users attend a OneCallAccess Tutorial Webinar or complete online training modules. These provide a thorough tour of the system, showing users how to place tickets, view ticket history, and check positive response. To sign up for a webinar or to complete the online training modules, log into your SkillBuilder account. If you do not have a SkillBuilder account, you may create one from the following link. https://missdig811.skillbuilder.co/sign-in Once logged into SkillBuilder, scroll down to the OneCallAccess content located in the MISS DIG 811 Tools and Programs Section.
For users who want access to place tickets for larger jobs, 180-day tickets, emergency tickets, and retransmit tickets, an External Plus account is needed. There are two ways to become an External Plus user.
Complete the OneCallAccess Basic Online Training and OneCallAccess External Plus Online Training modules in SkillBuilder. This is done online at your own convenience.
Attend a OneCallAccess Tutorial Webinar and once the webinar is completed, complete the OneCallAccess Tutorial Quiz 07/01/24. The instructor-led webinar lasts approximately two hours. The quiz requires an 83% passing rate, please read all questions carefully and review all answers before submitting your quiz. The quiz does allow unlimited attempts.
Accounts are upgraded within 24 hours on business days after requirements have been completed.
The Quality Control Department will be available from 7am to 5pm Monday through Friday to assist and answer questions. The Quality Control Department can be reached at webticketdept@missdig811.org or 248-370-6420.
Excavator Training
MISS DIG 811 Certification:
To become MISS DIG 811 Certified there are three choices:
Please Note: There are no webinars scheduled at this time. They are available upon request. To request a webinar, contact the Education Department at education@missdig811.org.
Safe Excavation Practices Live Seminar at your facility
Toolbox Talks:
Field Basics: summarized version of the Safe Excavation Practices Course
Other Industry Topics
Can be customer prepared for your company or Damage Safety Alliance (DSA) Meeting
Access any of these courses by clicking on the gear link; you will be directed to sign in or create an account. Once you are signed in, click on the orange tile with the course you wish to take listed on it. To request Safe Excavation Practices or a Toolbox Talk onsite at your company or DSA meeting, contact the Education Department at education@missdig811.org
Live Safe Excavation Practices Seminar Schedules
Select a seminar by selecting the orange tile titled NEW Safe Excavation Practices Certification Workshop 1-28-22 located under the All heading of your Learning Plan at https://missdig811.skillbuilder.co/. Or, schedule one onsite at your company by contacting the Education Department at education@missdig811.org
Webinar Safe Excavation Practices Schedules
There are no webinars scheduled at this time. They are available upon request. To request a webinar, contact the Education Department at education@missdig811.org
Safe Excavation Practices Online
Safe Excavation Practices can be completed by selecting the orange tile titled NEW Safe Excavation Practices Certification Online 5-19-22 located under the All heading of your Learning Plan at https://missdig811.skillbuilder.co/.
MISS DIG 811 Safe Excavation Practices Seminar Benefits
It qualifies as the training portion of your company's safety management program, one of the requirements of becoming Gold Shovel Standard Certified
It qualifies for Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for some professions.
It shows a commitment to safety that will prevent injury, property damage, outages, project delays, and higher costs.
It provides your company and crews training and information on safety and facility damage prevention topics at NO COST!
It can be used as a marketing tool demonstrating your company stands above the rest when it comes to an exemplary level of safety in the field.
**Set a new standard in safety; MISS DIG 811 Safe Excavation Practices Certification attests to your continued safety training and following Public Act 174, and CGA Best Practices.**
Field Basics Online
The Field Basics course is part of the MISS DIG 811 Certification Program, and also meets the requirements for The Gold Shovel Safety Management System. Over the next 15 to 20 minutes, you will learn the details of Michigan's Public Act 174, what it means for you, and how to make sure you are following the law on every dig.
The field Basics Course will cover: How Public Act 174 affects excavators; and how MISS DIG 811 helps make it easier to comply with the law; soft excavation and hand digging methods and rules for facility owner/operators excavators.
The MISS DIG 811 Field Basics Module:
20-minute video with quiz
Gold Shovel Standard approved
Informative for field workers and new employee onboarding
Certificate good for 1 year
Toolbox Talk Request Form
Damage and Safety Alliance
Establish a DSA in your area
If you are interested in establishing a DSA meeting in your local area, please feel free to contact the Education Department at education@missdig811.org for suggestions. A member of the Education Team will participate in several of your DSA meetings throughout the year to provide educational information, updates, and helpful material. We will also promote your efforts on our website, through emails and in our newsletters.
MISS DIG 811 offers online training that can provide CEC credits to a variety of professions including Drinking Water, Wastewater, Prelicensure of Residential Builder, Residential Maintenance & Alteration
Below is the list of current classes and credit values.
Member Services Training Coming Soon!
If you have any questions or need assistance with CECs contact the Education Department at education@missdig811.org
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MISS DIG 811 is Michigan’s ONLY utility safety notification system. Our OneCallAccess service makes it easy for you to request for public utility lines to be marked. So you can safely complete your digging project. Learn more about us.