Announcements and Updates
Helpful Tips Following an Update
It is not uncommon after a major website change to see error due to cache and cookie settings. If you are experiencing issue logging into the DamagePreventionPortal or OneCallAccess, please revisit the site, DPP.MISSDIG811.ORG or OCA.MISSDIG811.ORG, and press {Ctrl]+[F5] on your keyboard to refresh your browser. In most browsers, pressing Ctrl+F5 will force the browser to retrieve the webpage from the server instead of loading it from the cache. Additionally, if you are not using Google Chrome as your browser, we highly recommend this.
Ticket Entry Guides
- GIS Info In County
- Excavation Methods 08-26-22
- FAQs for Excavators 5-20-22
- Scope Of Work Guidelines
- Ticket Types
- Ticket Actions Quick Guide
- Abbreviations List
- OneCallAccess External User Guide
- MISS DIG 811 Positive Response Codes
- Multi-Polygon Dig Sites
- Selective Ticket Actions
- Ticket Entry Best Practices
Additional Services
If you are interested in using the Excavator PosR Webhook service, please reach out to the Member Services Department at Available documentation can be found at
Download Our Infographics, Presentations, and Free Information:
- 2018 MISS DIG 811 PA 17 Overview.pptx
- 2018 Work Stoppage Guide.pdf
- 2022 EEP Booklet With PA 174.pdf
- 811 Cherryland Hand Dig Safety.pptx
- Cross Bore Brochure 2022
- MDPB Recommended Marking Guide.pdf
- MPSC Damage Reporting PowerPoint.pdf
- Ticket Response Guidelines according to PA174.pdf
- What is MISS DIG 811.pdf