MISS DIG 811 is a Michigan Non-Profit Corp. (501c3) and an Underground Facility Notification System that processes locate requests or dig notices. That request is sent to facility members so that they can mark the approximate location of their lines with paint and flags. MISS DIG 811 does not locate and provides this free service to everyone.
Yes, you do need to call before you dig. No matter how big or small the project, or how deep you are digging, the law requires you to provide advance notice of at least three full business days to MISS DIG 811 by calling 811 or going online at MISSDIG811.org. Contact MISS DIG 811 before excavation to comply with the state statute, Public Act 174. Tickets can be placed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
If you make contact with an underground facility, call 911 for emergencies and contact the facility owner/operator directly.
Private lines, not installed by the utility company will not be marked, but can be marked by private locating companies for a fee.
For overhead lines, contact the electric company on your ticket for assistance.
Be Smart. Be Safe. Contact MISS DIG 811 before you dig.
It is essential to wait at least three business days and go online to Check Status or Positive Response to ensure all utilities are marked either MARKED or NO CONFLICT before you dig.
5 Steps to Safe Digging:
- Contact MISS DIG 811 online or by phone.
- Wait 3 business days for utilities to be marked.
- Check status online to confirm all utilities have been marked.
- Hand dig when digging within 4 ft of paint or flags.
- Dig with care.
A ticket remains valid for 21 calendar days after the Response Due Date on the MISS DIG 811 ticket. A ticket becomes invalid if the work continues past 21 calendar days, or the locate marks are missing or need refreshing. It is the excavator's responsibility to call 811 or go online to get the marks refreshed when needed. In addition, if excavation has not started within 14 calendar days of the Response Due Date, a new MISS DIG 811 ticket will be required.
For some long-term jobs, MISS DIG 811 may issue a project ticket that will remain valid for 180 calendar days.
You may request a re-mark after an original locate request ticket is placed, the Response Due Date has passed, and one of the following conditions exist:
A facility is unmarked.
Positive Response status is not posted.
Missing or destroyed markings.
The original ticket number is required to obtain a re-mark. If the original ticket is invalid, you will be required to place a new ticket which will take three more business days. For valid tickets, the facility owners have 3 hours for unmarked facilities or failure to post to Positive Response, and 24 hours to re-mark the site for destroyed markings.
Facility owners/operators have no control over the depth variation caused by human interference, weather, or other circumstances. As a result, facilities will only mark the approximate location, not the depth of buried facilities.
Locating is not an exact science, so the actual location of the facility could vary from the position of the marks. PA 174 states that "for excavations in a caution zone (within 4 ft out from the marks) parallel to a facility, an excavator shall use soft excavation at intervals as often as reasonably necessary to establish the precise location of the facility. An excavator may use power tools and power equipment in a caution zone only after the facilities are exposed or the precise location of the facilities is established."
The approximate location is 18 inches on either side of the paint and/or flags.
The caution zone is the area within 48 inches (4 ft) of either side of the paint and/or flags provided by a facility owner or facility operator.
You must have a valid ticket number to access Positive Response.
Private utilities are not installed by the utility company and operated solely for the benefit of that person or business. Private utilities include electric, gas, or communications lines owned by a business. Homeowner examples include underground sprinkler systems, invisible dog fences, or electricity to a detached garage or pool. Because owners of private utilities are not required to become MISS DIG 811 members, they will not be notified of an intent to dig. The excavator can contact a Private Locator during the ticket request process or reach out to a Private Locator to have private lines marked for a fee.
MISS DIG 811 tickets do have Scope of Work limitations to allow utilities to complete the locating within the 3 business day time frame. There are limits on things such as the number of addresses, utility poles, and apartment buildings. There are also limitations on the length of a particular request when work is performed in or near a road right-of-way. New Scope of Work Guidelines available here: Ticket Scope of Work Guidelines
- Your name and phone number.
- The contractor or person doing the work.
- Field contact information, email(optional), text/sms(optional).
- The type of work being done; for example, installing a fence or building a deck.
- The geographical location (county, city, village, or township) of the work area.
- The address where the work will be done.
- Nearest cross streets to the work site.
- The staking information: Information about the project area that identifies the boundaries for the utility locators; for example, LOCATE ENTIRE LOT, LOCATE FRONT OF PROPERTY AND BOTH SIDES OF THE ROAD, LOCATE 100 FEET OUT FROM N SIDE OF HOUSE, ETC.
When you see someone digging without first having their utilities located & marked, call a Notification System Representative at 811. Tell them that you would like to place a No Marks ticket. This ticket will only be accepted by calling 811 and cannot be placed online through any of our web programs.
You do not have to give your name. You can place the No Marks ticket anonymously.

If you are a contractor, it is your legal obligation to contact MISS DIG 811 - It is not the responsibility of your customer.